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ACPS 101 for Families

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How do I know which school my child should attend?
Please visit the Attendance Zone locator to find out more about your
neighborhood school:

ACPS Fast Facts
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) serves more than 15,000 students who
hail from more than 100 countries and speak 121 languages. ACPS has 18
schools, including two middle schools, two K-8 schools, one pre-K school and the
internationally recognized Alexandria City High School. 

What are the student demographics at ACPS?
As of 2020-21, the student demographics were the following:

  • Asian: 5.6%

  • Black: 26.0%

  • Hispanic: 37.9%

  • White: 26.9%

  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: >1%

  • Native American: >1%

  • Multi-racial: 3.4%

  • Countries of birth: 110

  • Native languages: 121


ACPS Special Programs by the Numbers
As of 2020-21, special programs at ACPS included the following:

  • Eligible for free or reduced price meals (60%);

  • Students requiring English Learner (EL) services (33.5%);

  • Receiving talented and gifted service (11%);

  • Students receiving special education services (10%).

​​Who is my School Board Member?

The Alexandria City School Board is a nine-member elected body that adopts
policy for the daily operation of schools and sees that school laws are properly
explained, enforced, and observed. The City is divided into three voting districts,
and three Board Members are elected from each district. Each member serves a
three-year term. 

To learn more about the School Board Members:

To access the City of Alexandria Voting Districts Map:

To contact the School Board:

​Who do I contact with a question about day-to-day operations of the

If you have a question about day-to-day operations of the division, the staff
supporting Ask ACPS will be able to connect you with the information requested:

For questions or issues involving a specific student, please start by contacting
your child’s teacher, school support staff or Principal.

Where can I get a copy of the ACPS Student Code of Conduct?
A copy of the code can be found here:

Where can I get a copy of the ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan?
A copy of the plan can be found here:

Where can I access ACPS and school newsletters?
If you’d like to receive the weekly ACPS Express or other district-wide email
newsletters by program, topic, school news or grade level, please sign up here:

How do I find out more about ACPS?
Please visit the new ACPS website at


Translation services:

link to request interpretation & translation

and information here on how to speak with an interpreter


General FAQs:

GiveBacks FAQs:


As your units transitions to MemberHub, the Alexandria PTA Council wants to support you! Below is a list of FAQs that we hope will help you make the best use of the new system.

What is MemberHub?
MemberHub is an online management tool designed to help you run your PTA. The system puts all your online tools in one place, making it easier to engage families, raise funds, and stay in good standing.  You will save hours on administrative tasks so you can focus on
connecting with your families and supporting your school.

What is required?
Virginia PTA asks that units use MemberHub to manage their members, officers and good standing requirements, but it also has other built-in benefits, including: 

  • Online purchase of PTA memberships (with membership cards)

  • Automatic membership reporting to the state

  • Easy submission of good-standing confirmations

  • Instant dues remittance

Is this tool only for PTA members?
No, MemberHub makes engaging easier for all school families, teachers and school administrators! PTA leaders can communicate with everyone in their school community to increase engagement.  Once you have ongoing communication with non-PTA members at your school, it will be easier to ask them to join and support the PTA!
What if I can’t log in?
For Prior Log-Ins: If you’re the president and already submitted your updated officer lists to the state officer, go to the log-in screen and choose “forgot password.” You will get a link to reset your password.
For First-Time Log-Ins: You’ll need to go to the login screen, enter your email address and select “I need to create a password.”

How can our Membership Chair access the site?
Once the president does the initial site setup and enters officer lists, he or she can make you an admin. Please also include your treasurer so he or she also has an understanding of the site, particularly the financial aspects.


Do we have to purchase Memberhub software?
No! While there is a small transaction-processing fee on payments, Virginia PTA provides Memberhub software to all local units and councils free of charge.

Do units need to set up a store with memberships in it to take membership payments online?   
Yes! Setting up standard or custom memberships, is part of the store setup process.

How are the PTA dues routed electronically?
Along with the launch of the Memberhub Store, users can now pay state dues directly to the state PTA via e-Check/ACH in MemberHub.  You can see how much you owe the state and for how many members, decide when to send the money to the state, and pay electronically. The fee for this option is $1. The other option is to submit a form and mail a check to the state office. 

Will the PTA member still get a membership card?
Yes! Each person who buys a PTA membership in your school store will get a membership card automatically added to his or her user profile, as well as an email receipt of their payment with an electronic membership card. 

What reports will I see in the admin section?
You will have access to a number of reports in the PTA Admin Console, including membership information and payment transactions.

I missed the Memberhub training PTAC provided! Can I access it somewhere now?
Yes! You can view all past PTAC trainings on our website.


I want to know even more!
For more information on Memberhub, please visit the Virginia PTA MemberHub page. To reach access support directly from MemberHub, click here.


ParentSquare FAQs:

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Alexandria PTA Council

P.O. Box 3134
Alexandria, VA 22302

© 2024 Alexandria Council of PTAs (PTAC) Proudly created with

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