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Support ACPS Partner Organizations During Spring2ACTion on April 26, 2023

Spring2ACTion, Alexandria’s annual day of giving, is just around the corner! On April 26, 2023, everyone is invited to participate in this 24-hour online event, which celebrates and supports the nonprofits in Alexandria that enrich the community. Various Alexandria City Public Schools’ (ACPS) programs, in addition to the Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) and school PTA units participate in Spring2ACTion to raise funds. Early giving through Spring2ACTion got underway April 12, 2023, and participants can now go directly to the Spring2ACTion website to make a donation.

As part of its continuing effort to advance family equity in ACPS, Alexandria PTAC is participating in this year's Spring2ACTion campaign to raise funds for its PTA units that operate with fewer resources. Your donation will provide financial support for family engagement activities in the schools that serve Alexandria's most vulnerable children. School division PTA units have also independently signed up for the event to support their specific goals.

Spring2ACTion, presented by ACT for Alexandria, is in its 13th year and provides an easy way to connect donors to the causes they care about most. This virtual fundraising effort began in 2011, and over the years more than 70,000 donors have made donations totaling $17 million through Spring2ACTion. This year’s goal is to raise more than $2.5 million by securing 10,000 donors and 165 participating organizations.

ACT for Alexandria’s Chief Program Officer Brandi Yee says, “Spring2ACTion is an opportunity to learn about new organizations and help support them. Every donation, no matter the size, is helping to ensure Alexandria is a strong, vibrant community for all. Let's give back to the community we love.”



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Alexandria PTA Council

P.O. Box 3134
Alexandria, VA 22302

© 2024 Alexandria Council of PTAs (PTAC) Proudly created with

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