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Youth Art Month and National Music in Our Schools Month: PTAC Hosts “Reflections” Art Contest

The Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) Reflections program brought Youth Art Month and Music in Our Schools Month to life. In response to the student-selected “show your voice” theme, 129 students from 14 Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) created original works of art in all available categories. These disciplines included dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts.

There were 52 first place winners sent from the schools to the PTAC Reflections Contest. “We're so proud that 17 of those works by our incredibly talented dancers, writers, composers, photographers and artists were submitted to the Virginia State PTA Reflections Contest,” Alexandria PTAC President Missy Estabrook said.

Three ACPS students received honors at the state level:

  • Intermediate Film Category, Outstanding Interpretation: Angel Mangum, Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 IB School.

  • Primary Photography Category, Award of Excellence: Calvin Guy Parks, Douglas MacArthur Elementary School.

  • Primary Visual Arts Category, Award of Excellence: Evelyn Alves, Charles Barrett Elementary School.

"The Alexandria PTA Council Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life,” Estabrook stated.

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